Shri Bommireddy Nagi Reddi (1st December, 1912 - 25th February, 2004) was born to Shri Bommireddy Narasimha Reddy and Smt. Erukulamma. He hailed from Pottipadu village in the Cudappah District of Andhra Pradesh. After schooling in his village and later in Chennai, he engaged himself in the freedom movement under leaders of the time like Kasinadhuni Nageswara Rao, Tanguturi Prakasam and others. He cherished service before self at a tender age.
Shri B.Nagi Reddi was a multifaceted personality. He was a pioneer in all that he ventured in and his ventures towered as exceptional names. His first professional stint was assisting his father in the family's onion business. He started a state-of-the-art printing and publishing unit, BNK Press in Chennai. He published "Andhra Jyoti", a socio-political monthly in 1945, as an organ of the freedom movement. In 1947 along with Shri A.Chakrapani, Shri B.Nagi Reddi was the founder-publisher of the multi-language children's magazine, "Chandamama". The magazine aimed at moulding young minds with good values. He also introduced the Braille edition of the magazine in 4 languages for the blind literates. He also started Prasad Process Pvt.Ltd. a modern printing press hailed as one of the best printing presses in Asia.
In 1948 along with his friends, Shri B.Nagi Reddi established the famous Vijaya Vauhini Studios which became one of the largest studios in South East Asia. Shri Nagi Reddi produced a number of movies under the banner of Vijaya Productions. He produced many movies in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam & Kannada. Almost all of his films were box-office hits.
Shri B.Nagi Reddi's desire to provide quality healthcare at affordable cost to the public led to the establishment of Vijaya Hospital in the year 1972. He formed the Vijaya Medical and Education Trust in the year 1974 which encompasses the Vijaya Hospital, Vijaya Health Centre and Vijaya Heart Foundation.